About the Journal
Open Access Policy
The Journal of the Association for Mathematical Research (JAMR) is a Diamond Open Access journal, meaning there are no charges to authors nor readers.
Focus and Scope
(JAMR) publishes peer reviewed research articles in all branches of mathematics, at the level of the best specialized journals. There are no strict page limits. A published article may be accompanied, when appropriate, by other media, including: links to github or other repositories for code or data, related notes and videos relevant to the article.
Copyright Notice
The copyright for articles in this journal is retained by the author(s), with publication rights granted to the journal. Permission to distribute articles is given under a Creative Commons License, or under another license as indicated on each article.
Peer Review Policies
All published articles in JAMR have been peer reviewed. The peer review process is overseen by the editors and conducted by independent referees. For the journal's ethics statement, click here.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Sponsorship Disclosure
JAMR is published by the Association for Mathematical Research.
JAMR was founded by the Association for Mathematical Research and its initial Editorial Board in 2022. The first issue is scheduled to appear in 2023.
Authors are encouraged to post final versions of their papers at arxiv.org.
International Standard Serial Number
ISSN 2998-4114
To submit an article, please go to: Submit to JAMR.