On Euler systems for motives and Heegner points



Iwasawa main conjecture, Euler systems, Tamagawa number conjecture, Heegner points


We formulate an Iwasawa main conjecture for a higher rank Euler system for a general motive. We prove “one half" of the main conjecture under mild hypotheses. We also formu- late a conjecture on “Darmon-type derivatives" of Euler systems and give an application to the Tamagawa number conjecture. Lastly, we specialize our general framework to the setting of Heegner points and give a natural interpretation of the Heegner point main conjecture in terms of rank two Euler systems.




How to Cite

Kataoka, T., & Sano, T. (2024). On Euler systems for motives and Heegner points. Journal of the Association for Mathematical Research, 2(2), 154–208. Retrieved from https://jamathr.org/index.php/jamr/article/view/Vol-2Issue-2Paper-1